Writing a Parser Combinator Library in Scala 3.
Part 1: Introduction to Parsing

Jordi Pradel, November 11, 2022

You know I like to write libraries from scratch. I find this to be a longer but better kata, where you implement something you could actually use. And, who knows, after the zombie apocalypse, once we recover from everything else, you may need a parsers library and all the good old ones are gone forever. So, let’s survive the apocalypse by writing one ourselves.

To do so I’ll use the perfect excuse. I want to write yet another Json parser. I want it to be reasonable fast but, above everything else, I want it to be crystal clear when it comes to report errors. At least as good as those of most Json parsers I use, or better. Because if we are going to write a library from scracth let’s make it professional grade at least in one aspect.

Disclaimer 1: Scala 3 and my experience with it (or lack of thereof)

This time I’ll use Scala. I’ve been blogging about Kotlin recently but I’ve been a Scala developer for years and I use both now. And I’ll be writing Scala 3 for the first time (not counting some small divertimentos), so be patient and kind if something I write is not completely idiomatic in Scala 3 or if the library we end up with does not take advantage of every single Scala 3 wonderful new feature.

Disclaimer 2: Inspiration and destination

Ok, I’ll admit it up front. I will end up writing a parser combinator library. And it so happens that the language (Scala) and example (Json) I have chosen are the same the famous Red book uses. Why write about it, then, if you can read Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason? First of all, no matter what, you must read the red book if you haven’t yetYou probably can read it again if you already have and you will probably still learn a ton of things.. But I’ll try my best at a different approach to the parser combinator library. Instead of applying algebraic design, I’ll use a classical TDD approach.


There are a couple of points I’d like to make with this:

Parsing what?

Let’s parse Json. For that, let’s write a Json type:

enum Json:
  case JsonString(value: String)
  case JsonNumber(value: String)
  case JsonBoolean(value: Boolean)
  case JsonNull
  case JsonArray(value: List[Json])
  case JsonObject(value: Map[String, Json])

You may think JsonNumber(value: String) is an odd choice. I’ll talk about this in the future. Trust me with that one. But in any case, for the matter of this series, it doesn’t matter that much if you prefer to model them as JsonNumber(value: Double) or something else.

Done. Now the parser…

What is a parser?

Let me try to answer this question with some requirements…

Let’s start by just parsing something simple, like an empty array. Acording to json.org an array is:


Here whitespace represents any number of whitespace characters. It may be the empty string.

So, setting aside the parsing of values inside the array, we want a function that given the String "[ ]" returns JsonArray(List.empty) (for any number and type of whitespace characters between the brackets).

Let’s do it TDD style:

test("Parse empty array") {
  assert(parseArray("[]") == JsonArray(List.empty))

🔴 Red. Easy peasy:

object JsonParser:
  def parseArray(s: String): JsonArray = JsonArray(List.empty)

✅ Green!

Let’s delay the implementation of whitespace. What else do we need? Here is what: What do we want the parser to do if feeded only with "["? We expect it to fail. The failure should tell us where it failed and what was expected. That is, we failed at the second character (s[1]) where we expected ] but we found the end of the string.

We can deal with errors with exceptions, with Try, with Either or with a custom type. Let’s try using Either:

test("Parse empty array") {
  assert(parseArray("[]") == Right(JsonArray(List.empty)))

test("Parse empty array failure") {
  val input = "["
  assert(parseArray(input) == Left(ParseError(input, 1, expected = "]")))

🔴 It does not even compile. Let’s create the ParseError class and change the parseArray signature:

case class ParseError(input: String, position: Int, expected: String)

object JsonParser:
  def parseArray(s: String): Either[ParseError, JsonArray] = Right(JsonArray(List.empty))

🔴 It now compiles but…

Right(JsonArray(List())) did not equal Left(ParseError("[", 1, "]"))
ScalaTestFailureLocation: com.agilogy.wapl.JsonParserTest at (JsonParserTest.scala:17)
Expected :Left(ParseError("[", 1, "]"))
Actual   :Right(JsonArray(List()))

Now what? We could DTSTTCPW and just implement parseArray to return this particular error when the input string is "[". But this is not a bad TDD training Just in case: I’m not saying TDD is bad at all, of course. Neither I’m saying training people in TDD with really small steps is bad. I’m just making a joke about confusing baby steps with implementing each test case with an if/else branch. Even though I’m making a bit of a pun to code without designing, which should be the opposite of TDD.. So let’s think a bit and design a solution.

Looking at the json.org diagram above, we see [ and ] are different nodes in the grammar chart. Maybe our mission of parsing just the empty array was more than we can chew now, afer all. Let’s try something simpler. Let’s try to parse the [ token. So let’s git stash save wip or comment out our failing test We are doing TDD right, no? And we are in the midle of a red. So let’s go back to green, make an increment, and we will retake what we where doing when in green again.and start anew. Parsing a token, when it succeeds, can only do so in one way. When succeeding, therefore, we only need the Unit value as a return:

test("Parse start array token") {
  assert(parseStartArrayToken("[") == Right(()))

test("Parse start array token failure") {
  val input = "notTheStartArrayToken"
  assert(parseStartArrayToken(input) == Left(ParseError(input, 0, expected = "[")))

🔴 Does not compile. Let’s go directly to green:

def parseStartArrayToken(s: String): Either[ParseError, Unit] =
	if (s == "[") Right(()) else Left(ParseError(s, 0, "["))

✅ Now refactor ♻️. You see, I’m going to try to parse the ] token. So it seems we are going to parse tokens in general. Let’s refactor that:

def parseToken(s: String, token: String): Either[ParseError, Unit] =
  if (s == token) Right(()) else Left(ParseError(s, 0, token))

Mmmm… 🤔 I prefer the token to be the first argument… and the string to be a second argument list:

def parseToken(token: String)(s: String): Either[ParseError, Unit] = ...

And our tests are now:

test("Parse token") {
  assert(parseToken("[")("[") == Right(()))

test("Parse token failure") {
  val input = "notTheStartArrayToken"
  assert(parseToken("[")(input) == Left(ParseError(input, 0, expected = "[")))


Now we want to parse the token [ and then the token ]. That’s the question. And here is a simple idea: we want our token parser to be able to parse any string that starts with that token:

def parseToken(token: String)(s: String): Either[ParseError, Unit] =
  if (s.startsWith(token)) Right(()) else Left(ParseError(s, 0, token))

After parsing [ in "[]" we now know that the string starts with [ and that we can continue to parse ]after the [. I could play with our current design like this:

def parseArray(s: String): Either[ParseError, JsonArray] =
  parseToken("[")(s) match
    case Right(()) =>
      parseToken("]")(s.substring(1)) match {
        case Right(()) => Right(JsonArray(List.empty))
        case Left(e) => Left(e)
    case Left(e) => Left(e)

Or, monadically idiomatically:

def parseArray(s: String): Either[ParseError, JsonArray] =
    _ <- parseToken("[")(s)
    _ <- parseToken("]")(s.substring(1))
  yield JsonArray(List.empty)

✅! But if you now git stash pop or uncomment our "Parse empty array failure" test:

test("Parse empty array failure") {
  val input = "["
  assert(parseArray(input) == Left(ParseError(input, 1, expected = "]")))

🔴 The test fails:

Left(ParseError("", 0, "]")) did not equal Left(ParseError("[", 1, "]"))
ScalaTestFailureLocation: com.agilogy.wapl.JsonParserTest at (JsonParserTest.scala:17)
Expected :Left(ParseError("[", 1, "]"))
Actual   :Left(ParseError("", 0, "]"))

So, the parser correctly fails to parse, but it is telling us that it expected "]" at position 0 (where we have "[") instead of telling us it expected it at position 1. And it tells us the string that failed to compile is "" when it should complain about the actual string it got: "[". Why? As we passed the substring(1) to the second parseToken, the input and position values of the resulting error are wrong. We want the error to contain the entire string and the position to be a position of that string, so we will need them in our parseArray function. And once we have the original input and the position we want to parse at, we no longer need the substring. We can simply check whether the string starts with the token at that index:Yes, there is a version of startsWith that takes an index. No, I didn’t know either.

def parseToken(token: String)(s: String, position: Int): Either[ParseError, Unit] =
  if (s.startsWith(token, position)) Right(()) else Left(ParseError(s, position, token))

So now:

def parseArray(s: String): Either[ParseError, JsonArray] =
    _ <- parseToken("[")(s, 0)
    _ <- parseToken("]")(s, 1)
  yield JsonArray(List.empty)

And after fixing the compilation errors of adding a new parameter… ✅ Green!

🤔 Do you remember what this section was about? The question was: “What is a parser”? Looking at our parseToken we have one possible answerMind the gap. We will refine this answer later in the series. now: A parser is a function that given a String input and a position in that string either returns a parsed value (like the empty array above) or a parse failure:

type Parser[A] = (String, Int) => Either[ParseError, A]

♻️ We ended our previous TDD cycle with green. A refactor is due. But what are we going to refactor? 🤔

With that definition you don’t even need to squint too hard to see that parseToken can be seen as a function that given a String (the token) returns a parser:

def parseToken(token: String): Parser[Unit] = (s, position) =>
  if (s.startsWith(token, position)) Right(()) else Left(ParseError(s, position, token))

As parseToken it is no longer parsing any token but returning a parser of strings, maybe we better call it string:

def string(token: String): Parser[Unit] = (s, position) =>
  if (s.startsWith(token, position)) Right(()) else Left(ParseError(s, position, token))

Now, why not make our parseArray a parser too?

def parseArray(): Parser[JsonArray] = (s, position) =>
    _ <- string("[")(s, position)
    _ <- string("]")(s, position + 1)
  yield JsonArray(List.empty)

And as it is not taking arguments, why not make it a value?:

object JsonParser:
  val array: Parser[JsonArray] = (s, position) =>
      _ <- string("[")(s, position)
      _ <- string("]")(s, position + 1)
    yield JsonArray(List.empty)

And our tests:

test("Parse empty array") {
  assert(array("[]", 0) == Right(JsonArray(List.empty)))

test("Parse empty array failure") {
  val input = "["
  assert(array(input, 0) == Left(ParseError(input, 1, expected = "]")))

Combining parsers

Let’s now imagine you want to accept the next kind of empty arrays. Those with some whitespace within.

private val random = new Random()

test("Parse empty array with whitespace") {
  val ws = " " * random.between(1, 5)
  assert(array(s"[$ws]", 0) == Right(JsonArray(List.empty)))


Left(ParseError("[  ]", 1, "]")) did not equal Right(JsonArray(List()))
ScalaTestFailureLocation: com.agilogy.wapl.JsonParserTest at (JsonParserTest.scala:21)
Expected :Right(JsonArray(List()))
Actual   :Left(ParseError("[  ]", 1, "]"))

We will need a parser for whitespace.


Acording to the Json grammar this should parse 0 or more whitespace characters. It can’t fail. If our string starts with whitespace in the given index, it succeeds. If it doesn’t it also succeeds. So we don’t even need tests for that one. Which is already suspicious. We may be missing something….

val whitespace: Parser[Unit] = (_, _) => Right(())

Let’s try now to rewrite our array parser:

val array: Parser[JsonArray] = (s, position) =>
    _ <- string("[")(s, position)
    _ <- whitespace(s, position + 1)
    _ <- string("]")(s, ???)
  yield JsonArray(List.empty)

And here it is. The bit we were missing. After parsing some whitespace we need to know how many whitespace characters there were. We could solve that one ad hoc by stating that whitespace is a Parser[Int], which returns the number of whitespace characters it found:

private val whiteSpaceChars = Set(' ', '\n', '\r', '\t')

val whitespace: Parser[Int] = (s, position) =>
  Right(s.substring(position).takeWhile(c => whiteSpaceChars.contains(c)).length)

val array: Parser[JsonArray] = (s, position) =>
    _ <- string("[")(s, position)
    whiteSpaceCount <- whitespace(s, position + 1)
    _ <- string("]")(s, position + 1 + whiteSpaceCount)
  yield JsonArray(List.empty)


♻️ I start to be fed up with the position arithmetics in our array parser. In the second step of our for comprehension we pass position + 1 because what the first step parsed occupies 1 character. Then in the third step we pass position + 1 + whitesSpaceCount because the previous 2 steps parsed 1 + whitesSpaceCount characters. Every step needs to add the number of parsed characters by the previous steps. It is not nice. What about our steps all returned the position at which they stopped parsing?

val whitespace: Parser[Int] = (s, position) =>
  Right(position + s.substring(position).takeWhile(c => whiteSpaceChars.contains(c)).length)

val array: Parser[JsonArray] = (s, position) =>
    i0 <- string("[")(s, position)
    i1 <- whitespace(s, i0)
    _ <- string("]")(s, i1)
  yield JsonArray(List.empty)

def string(token: String): Parser[Int] = (s, position) =>
  if (s.startsWith(token, position)) Right(position + token.length) 
	else Left(ParseError(s, position, token))

Much better! Now I need to remember which one of the i{n} variables to pass, but I don’t need to be calculating the next position to pass by hand. And after some adjusting of the expected result of parsing in the tests we are still green.

And now, try to honor this section name It seems to be a recurrent theme. I name a section “X” and then I spend lines and more lines without any mention to “X”, until I remember what I was talking about. Sorry not sorry. 😙. Our array parser is combining the parseToken("["), whitespace and parseToken("]") parsers by hand. That is, it is implementing a parser that, given the string and the position, uses those parsers. But we could just build the new parser by combining the existing parsers before we actually run the parser. Let’s first forget about the whitespace for a moment:

val array: Parser[JsonArray] = (s, position) =>
    i0 <- string("[")(s, position)
    _ <- string("]")(s, i0)
  yield JsonArray(List.empty)

I’m proposing a function that given 2 parsers (namely string("[") and string("]") ) returns a parser that internally does what the code above does:

def sequence(a: Parser[Int], b: Parser[Int]): Parser[Int] = ???

As all our parsers here return the position after parsing what they parse, I’m assuming we want to sequence this kind of parsers. And I’m assuming we want to return the position after parsing the combination:

def sequence(a: Parser[Int], b: Parser[Int]): Parser[Int] = (s, position) =>
    ia <- a(s, position)
    ib <- b(s, ia)
  yield ib

And now, our simplified array parser without whitespaces is:

val array: Parser[JsonArray] = 
  sequence(string("["), string("]"))

🔴 Ops! That does not compile. We have a parser that returns Int but we need a JsonArray. So let’s fix that:

val array: Parser[JsonArray] = (s, position) =>
    _ <- sequence(string("["), string("]"))(s, position)
  yield JsonArray(List.empty)

Or, if you prefer:

val array: Parser[JsonArray] = (s, position) =>
  sequence(string("["), string("]"))(s, position)
		.map(_ => JsonArray(List.empty))

✅ (except our whitespace test, of course)

But before recovering our whitespace, let’s dig a bit deeper in this idea. We tried to combine the parsers to get a parser before actually running the resulting parser. Let’s say we apply the same idea to that .map. We may want to be able to transform the parser we got by combining parseToken("[") and parseToken("]"), which was a Parser[Int] by transforming it into a Parser[JsonArray]. We need a function… let’s call it map, of course:

def map[A,B](p: Parser[A])(f: A => B): Parser[B] = (s, position) =>
  p(s, position).map(f)

And now:

val array: Parser[JsonArray] =
  map(sequence(string("["), string("]")))(_ => JsonArray(List.empty))

✅ (again, without the whitespace stuff)

This is Scala. Let’s add some sugar.

implicit class ParserOps[A](self: Parser[A]):
  def map[B](f: A => B): Parser[B] = (s, position) =>
    self(s, position).map(f)  

val array: Parser[JsonArray] =
  sequence(string("["), string("]")).map(_ => JsonArray(List.empty))

Ops! That was the Scala 2 way of having extension methods. It all changed in Scala 3 and I didn’t remember In fact, if you were to look at the companion repository in github and followed the commits along, I realized about that while finishing the writing of the second part of this series. I prefer to correct it here, though, to avoid the confusion of mixing Scala 2 and Scala 3 features.. So:

extension [A](self: Parser[A])
  def map[B](f: A => B): Parser[B] = (s, position) =>
    self(s, position).map(f)

More sugar!

extension(self: Parser[Int])
  infix def sequence(other: Parser[Int]): Parser[Int] = (s, position) =>
      ia <- self(s, position)
      ib <- other(s, ia)
    yield ib

val array: Parser[JsonArray] =
  (string("[") sequence string("]")).map(_ => JsonArray(List.empty))

Or, if you prefer operators:

extension(self: Parser[Int])

  infix def sequence(other: Parser[Int]): Parser[Int] = ...
  def **(other: Parser[Int]): Parser[Int] = sequence(other)

end extension

val array: Parser[JsonArray] =
  (string("[") ** string("]")).map(_ => JsonArray(List.empty))

And now, let’s recover our whitespace parsing:

val array: Parser[JsonArray] =
  (string("[") ** whitespace ** string("]"))
    .map(_ => JsonArray(List.empty))

✅✅ Everything green again. Including our JsonArray with whitespace test.


We applied TDD to implement a parser capable of parsing… just empty Json arrays with or without whitespace in between. Even though their capability is very limited, this exercise served the purpose of defining our design for a parser type Parser[A] = (String, Int) => Either[ParseError, A]. Then we discovered that instead of having functions that happen to parse what we want, we can haver functions that return parsers and values of type parser. Finally we found a way of combining 2 or more of these parsers to build a new parser without actually programming what the parser does when it receives the String and Int arguments, but designing how it is a sequence of 2 other parsers.

You can see the companion repository to this series at https://github.com/agile-jordi/writingAParserLibrary/tree/part1.

All articles in the series

  1. Writing a Parser Combinator Library in Scala 3. Part 1: Introduction to Parsing
  2. Writing a parser library in Scala. Part 2: Choices and repetitions
Writing a Parser Combinator Library in Scala 3.
Part 1: Introduction to Parsing - November 11, 2022 - Agilogy