Testing other side effects
Jordi Pradel, July 8, 2022
Previously on Agilogy blog…
What if your function is not deterministic because… it generates random values? Or just because it uses the current system time? And what about it doing some I/O, like reading from the file system, a database or a socket? Even more, what about procedures generating some kind of externally observable effect, like writing to the file system or a databse?
In which trying to test a function that uses the System clock leads us to design for testing and, finally, to wonder what to test
Let’s take a very simple function:
fun age(birthDate: LocalDate): Int =
Period.between(birthDate, LocalDate.now()).years
Simple, right? One line, and that means simple, right? Of course not. But why? Let’s try to write an automated test for it.
Now, there are at least these 3 typical moments in the life of a developer where you can be in. You may be reading this puzzled, not knowing how the hell to test that without having to change the test yearly. Or you start thinking mocks. Or you start thinking how to redesign this one-linerI mean, beyond the ugly implicit usage of the system default time zone, which I, at least, would refactor out of my sight..
I’m going to try to take you from puzzled to a better design without going through mocks Are you already thinking about them? Please, consider this article an alternative to mocking..
The issue with testing this function is, you may have guessed, Instant.now()
, which would return a different value on each test execution.
You could, of course, try something like this:
fun testAge() {
assertEquals(7, age(LocalDate.of(2014, 7, 30)))
But then, of course, after my son’s birthday party the test will fail and you would need to update it. Nasty.
The problem, here is that we are getting the current date LocalDate.now()
and that has the odd habit of chaning as time goes by. We are also calculating how many years are there between 2 local dates, which would be fine to test, but… Yes, these 2 things this function does are what Rich Hickey would call complected If you haven’t seen this famous talk, make yourself a favour and bookmark it: Simple Made Easy. Then, when you are ready, take a cup of your best coffee, tea, mate or whatever is your poison and enjoy an hour of pure talent.:
Okay. So there’s this really cool word called complect. I found it. I love it. It means to interleave or entwine or braid. Okay? … Having state in your program is never simple because it has a fundamental complecting that goes on in its artifacts. It complects value and time. (…) Well, if every time you call that method with the same arguments, you can get a different result, guess what happened? That complexity just leaked right out of there (…). If the thing that’s wrapping it is stateful (…) by stateful I mean every time you ask it the same question you get a different answer, you have this complexity and it’s like poison.
Rich Hickey, Simple Made Easy
So, even though it is a one-liner, we want to simplify this function. A first step would be to rule off the function that we find difficult to test:
fun ageOn(today: LocalDate, birthDate: LocalDate): Int =
Period.between(birthDate, today).years
That one is easy to test. We say it is testable Testability is, indeed, a software quality factor. But, curiously enough, aiming at testability enhances the quality of your software in other aspects as well.. But now the user of the function needs to do what was part of the responsibilities of age
before: getting the current local date. We can recover our original age
function defining a new function like this:
fun age(birthDate: LocalDate): Int = ageOn(LocalDate.now(), birthDate)
Now we can test we correctly calculated the number of years between two dates and that that is what we actually mean by age:
fun testAgeOn() {
ageOn(LocalDate.of(2022, 6, 1), LocalDate.of(2014, 6, 30))
What about the original age
function? How do we test that one? We still can’t. The problem with testing age
was, to begin with, that we don’t know how to test the part that gets the current local date… So, here are some questions that will make you think:
- How do we test that
returns the current date? - Assuming we can trust
, how do we test thatage
and not some other wrong / untrusted / untested method to get the current date? - Assuming
correctly gets the current date somehow, how do we know it is (correctly) usingageOn
Or, put it in another way, even with our test of ageOn
, each risk in the following list corresponds to one of the questions we were asking above:
could be producing the wrong date, not the current dateage
could be getting the current date using some untested method that gets it wrongage
could be correctly getting the current date but fail to calculate the number of years between the 2 dates, as we testedageOn
but we didn’t test wetherage
is invoking it and, if so, if it is handling it the correct arguments in the correct order.
Let’s start with the last two concerns here…
Designing for testability
Let’s imagine we solve the first question/concern above somehow More on that at the end of the article. But let’s consider it solved now.. What would we need to solve the other two? We want some new version of age
that we can test, so that we solve the last question. And we want to make sure it uses what we want to get the current local date, so that the second question is also solved.
That is, we want a function that, given the way of getting the current date of our choice and a birth date, gets it and properly calculates the number of years since the birth date to that current date. Do you see what I did there? I just used the same expression for “the way of getting the current date” and “a birth date”. Yes, they both can be parameters:
fun age(getCurrentDate: () -> LocalDate, birthDate: LocalDate): Int =
Period.between(birthDate, getCurrentDate()).years
We can now test almost everything we were concerned about:
fun testAge() {
val getDate: () -> LocalDate = { LocalDate.of(2022, 6, 1) }
age(getDate, LocalDate.of(2014, 6, 30))
Note that getDate
here is a function that always returns the same result. () -> LocalDate
is the type of functions that have no parameters and return a LocalDate
Now we can build tests where we check that age
uses whatever function we pass it as the first argument (our second concern), and that age
properly calculates the number of years between birthDate
and the date returned by getCurrentDate
We say that age
depends on the function that returns the current date and that we injected that dependency into age
This is just one particular style of dependency injection, one with which you may not be familiar. Some other styles come to mind:
- Instead of injecting
() -> LocalDate
we could have injected an instance of some named type likeinterface Clock
that contained methods for what we wanted to acomplish:
fun age(clock: Clock, birthDate: LocalDate): Int =
Period.between(birthDate, clock.getCurrentDate()).years
- Instead of injecting the function or instance as a parameter of the function
, we could have put theage
function in a class and inject something to the class:
class AgeModule(val clock: Clock){
fun age(birthDate: LocalDate): Int =
Period.between(birthDate, clock.getCurrentDate()).years
- Hell, if you are really into monadic stuff, we could have even used a reader
I may talk about that in a future article. definingage
as a function that returns a function that given whatever it needs injected, returns the result we want:
fun age(birthDate: LocalDate): (Clock) -> LocalDate = { clock ->
Period.between(birthDate, clock.getCurrentDate()).years
What about testing that LocalDate.now() returns the current date?
That one, the one I left unsolved so far is the easiest one to solve. I don’t have any clue about how to properly test that, but I don’t even care. “How do I test that, then?” - you say. My answer: Don’t. Don’t test it. Nada. Niente. Res de res.
This may seem silly but it is, in fact, a very important part of our testing strategy at Agilogy. You should not be testing other’s code. And by “other’s” I mean code in another module. Once you think about it, in fact, it is quite common sense:
- Testing some other module software breaks modularity itself. That other module is responsible for its own stuff, not your module. If something’s wrong there, test it there, where you can fix it.
- Testing some other module software is very inefficient. Either it is a module you can trust and it will have tests for that, probably much better tests than those you will come up with, or it is a module you can’t trust and then you shouldn’t be using it at all Of course, I’m being a bit too blunt here. You may want to test some open source library does what you expect it too, for example. But I’m assuming we want to test our
function here and my point is that testing that a dependency ofage
properly does its work is out of the scope of the tests forage
.. - If a module B is used by a module A and you own both, testing your module B in A doesn’t provide any safety net against changes in B. You may be working on B and breaking things without that test telling you so and you may release a version of B used by some C that was not testing it properly. Boom, you have a bug in production you could have prevented by testing B in B.
So I cheated you. I told you I was going to talk about testing and I ended up talking about complection, software design and dependency injection…. or didn’t I?
The Oracle, not the Oracle DB
So we have built a simpler, better age
function. But, paraphrasing the Oracle, what’s really going to bake your noodle later on is, would we still have reached such simple, elegant solution if I hadn’t said anything about testing?